Advanced Content Manager for Magento 2

SKU P1000.2

Customizable Options:

The best CMS extension to fit your content marketing strategy


  • Configuration of Content Types with specific fields
  • Configuration of Repeater Fields
  • Organization of information blocks by drag and drop with Page Builder
  • Quick duplication of content from Content Types
  • Easy creation, publication and modification of content in Back Office
  • Linking of content: products, content, customers, categories, content lists
  • Searchable content and URL rewriting


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Available for those versions:

  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 2.3
  • 2.4
  • Hÿva Compatible


This is a special offer for you:
if you buy ACM+A3M together, you get 30% off on A3M!

Advanced Mega Menu Manager for Magento 2Advanced Mega Menu Manager for Magento 2
Advanced Content Manager for Magento 2Advanced Content Manager for Magento 2

$ 595.30

$ 658.00




“Empower your content marketing strategy by creating structured content”

  • Our favourite powerful ACM features to create the greatest stores :

Can I use it? Of course!

  • ACM adapts to the person using it and her/his needs.

    As a developer, have the power to extend and shape all templates and customize them according to your customers’ needs. Learn here how to override templates to customize any element !

    #TopQualities: time-saving, ready to use and customizable.

    As a webmaster, no need to seek support from your developer too much, you can easily manage and add content from the intuitive back office.

    #TopQualities: intuitive, easily manageable and you have autonomy without the need of coding.

    Yay! SEO Friendly!

    Your SEO manager is surely delighted to hear this: for every content you create, declare URLs, meta data, keywords, open graph and google site map. Have the best visibility on your online store!

All for one and one for all

  • One day you want to start a Blog... the next day you decide to create a Lookbook, the week after you need a reviews page, and after that a FAQ space…

    #Advice: The truth is, if you buy one extension for each one of your needs it is going to get expensive! So, get one with which all your wishes are conceivable: Advanced Content Manager for Magento 2!

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  • #GoodNews: as with ACM1, you can make content searchable in 4 steps.

    #Alert: Don’t forget to meet our dream team package ACM+A3M to use this great swiss-knife with another Magento tool-box to include your content to your Mega Menus.


  • All fields can be translated, even the URL! Easily manage translations for your content and content lists. “Which one is your favorite?” - You decide a default language -

    #SoEasy: We make your life easier and facilitate content management for multi-store and multi-languages websites.


  • Become the director, and easily manage layouts with a drag and drop interface. One after the other, side by side, combined,...You choose the design and how your content attributes are displayed on list or detail pages.

    #BONUS: Agencies and developers with many ambitions and great projects to come, we have something for you: we offer an integrator license to use ACM for several projects!

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  • We facilitate the process of creating complex structures for your online store.
    With repeaters you can use specific fields which can be easily duplicated as many times as you want to create rich content. Imagine you want to build a lookbook, you can then reuse as many image fields as you need to create your collection and edit your content at any time.

    #Useful: discover our 21 customizable fields in our documentation. You can use all these fields in your repeater groups.


  • Connect different elements of your online store to your content types: Of course the product / content link is the most obvious (for example to link a recipe to its ingredients sold in your store)... but you can also link your content together (the lookbook and the blog for example).
    For more advanced use: link your content to customers, which allows you to customize a display, to your product categories or attributes to ensure automatic and scalable links over time, and finally - this is a novelty - link your content to content lists.

    Manage the layout: for the content relationship you decide how to display the list items from three possible choices.


  • You can now import and export content and content types easily from your back office! From a Magento instance, or other platforms such as Wordpress, to another environment.
    All at once? Slowly but surely? You choose what to export and when.

    #Reminder: to import contents, import the corresponding content type first!


  • With ACM2, you can do more than just display front office content : sort and manage datas. Link some elements of your content to organize and use your datas.

    #AddDimension: you can generate scripts or PDF files and provide another great dimension to ACM2.

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